Solitary Sunset | 12x12" Oil Painting of a Sunset by Krista Green
Solitary Sunset - 12x12 inch, oil on framed canvas
This painting was inspired by a sunset over Clearwater Lake, Manitoba. The bright orange was such a treat to experience and left an unforgettable impression on the sunset chaser in me.
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Solitary Sunset - 12x12 inch, oil on framed canvas
This painting was inspired by a sunset over Clearwater Lake, Manitoba. The bright orange was such a treat to experience and left an unforgettable impression on the sunset chaser in me.
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Solitary Sunset - 12x12 inch, oil on framed canvas
This painting was inspired by a sunset over Clearwater Lake, Manitoba. The bright orange was such a treat to experience and left an unforgettable impression on the sunset chaser in me.
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